Does anybody know all the lyrics to Stars Spangled Banner? I don't know why but I can never memorize the whole song. I guess my granddaughter took after me.
About 5 years ago when we were still living in Florida, dh bought my granddaughter a small video camera. She had so much fun shooting movies of everything all over the place. When she finally put it down, I took the disk and copied everything she recorded. And this was one of them. No wonder she became so quiet. She locked herself in a bedroom and started recording herself. LOL! You really need to see this because it puts a really big smile on my face everytime I watch it. Maybe it will on yours too. I like how she put several songs together and ad libbed when she did not know the lyrics, lol.
I hope she does not see this post. She will probably get mad at me if she finds out that I posted it on my blog but I think it is so cute. She was about 6 years old here.
Thanks Debbie for allowing us to share fun photos and videos and thank you all for coming by.
She is absolutely beautiful, Christine!
By memory:
Oh say can you see
By the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed
At the twilight's last gleaming
Whose broad stripes and bright stars
Through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watched
Were so gallantly gleaming
And the rockets red glare,
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night
That our flag was still there.
Oh say does that star spangled
Banner yet wave?
O'er the land of the free
And the home of the brave?
And I say it DOES and I'm glad of it!!!
She is so cute..
And yes I know it by heart and can sing it.
I sang it every day for 33 years with my class.
I made sure they knew it by the end of the year!
OMgoddness that was awesome!!~ So So cute, I loved it, that right there made my weekend! Forget the day.....thanks so much for sharing Christine, that was so worth your while!!~ Hey my lil smiley worked:) Thanks for my first participation...Have great weekend!
Like this meme. That video does makes me smile. How sweet she is.
She is so sweet...this is such a great video for you to have.
OH!!!!!! Was this cute. She combined about 10 different songs!! And she has some great facial expressions. Beyonce, look out!!!
How precious! She's so pretty, and what a sweet voice. laurie
OMG Girl that was just awesome...too funny I really ♥ seeing this thanks...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi Christine, seems as though I may have some kinks to work out before getting this right LOL!!~ Seems as though you have to click Mr. Linky to see the other posters, and some had trouble with my code....well I am working on a badge....in the meantime I had to start somewhere right LOL!!~? Thanks your post is great!!~~~
Hi Christine,
Thank you for posting this. She's so adorable and, yes, her "creative" way with a lyric really puts a huge smile on my face! I think I'll go back and watch it again!
Hope you have a great weekend!
How talented she is Christine, so cute!
Sorry for the late visit ..
Christine, I love this! LOL! She is precious and soooooooo sweet.
Sheila :-)
This is a fantastic entry. thanks for sharing! mine is here http://www.jnjmilestones.com/2010/02/i-can-always-make-you-smile.html
Christine, thank you for telling me about this video. Tears welled up in my eyes that your little granddaughter would choose with her new camera to sing a song about her country. She is soooo cute! Her words were perfect and showed her love for America. I want to also thank your husband and you for instilling in your family a love for the United Sates of America. Your granddaughter is a Patriot! Joan @Americana By Candlelight
Too cute! And the vacation looked great too...
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