Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kitchen Fireplace Mantel

The week went by so fast. Time flies when you are having fun and being with my grandsons, a newborn and a toddler, really makes it fun and therefore, fast. I only have 1 more week here and then I surely will miss these 2 precious boys. Now, while the 2 boys are napping, it's time to do a post. I would like to join
Blue Monday, which is hosted by Sally of
Tablescape Tuesday, hosted by Marty of
Three or More Tuesday, hosted by Tam of
For more wonderful entries, make sure you visit these gracious hosts.

We are very fortunate to have 3 fireplaces in our home. I have shown 2 of them in the past and now I would like to show you the 3rd one. Of course, I am one who likes changes so the mantel does not always look like this, but it's been this way since I took down the Christmas accessories. I am sure it will change again as soon as I get back home.

This fireplace is in the dining portion of our kitchen. We have placed a TV above it because hubby's favorite shows just happen to go on during dinner time and I do not like to take the food to the family room game table all the time.

Can you tell that I like candles? Shown in the pic below are 10 candles and their holders. Can you spot all of them? Do you think that is a good enough contribution for 3 or more? And you will notice that most of them are blue so they also count for Blue Monday. You will also see a framed blue tile of "Our Lady of Fatima" on the right short hall wall, which is leading to the family room. I bought the tile ( a total of 6 put together) when we visited Fatima in Portugal and had it framed when we got home. I think I might have shown it in one of the past Blue Mondays.

We won the fleur de lis pottery that is hanging in the middle of the mantel, from the Chamber of Commerce party silent auction. One more thing we won there that is not shown on any of these pictures, is a huge (about 2 ft high) candle holder, which looks very similar to the Corinthian column holders on the left side of the mantel. We only placed a bid once but all these items were included.

On the left side of the mantel are candles on Corinthian column holders that I just mentioned earlier, a planter with faux plant, a bird given to me by Laurie, the Bargainhunter, and a small Polish pottery cottage tea light candle holder.

In the center is a box that I placed on an iron tray. This wooden box serves as a double purpose: to conceal the TV electrical cord and to hold a set of flatware.

On the right side of the mantel are another Polish pottery tealight candle holder, a hand made heavy pottery bowl that we also won at the chamber of commerce silent auction and a pair of brass candlestick holders I bought at a flea market for $2.

On the floor next to the mantel is a flatware cabinet. I was able to fit 5 sets of flatware there, including one set with a settings for 12 on the top compartment. On top of it are another pair of candles on iron holders, a teapot I bought from one of our London trips, a miniature tea set and another faux plant. I see a tin bird peeking out under the cabinet.

You can see a little bit of the small table on the left side of the mantel here. The table is actually one of a nesting table of 3. On it are a hurricane candle lamp, the TV cable box, a pedestal peacock cake plate with an orchid and rooster sitting on top of it. I have another tin bird under it and a tole container I used for storing firewood.

I guess that is it. Hope you enjoyed your visit cause I certainly enjoyed having you. Thanks to Sally, Marty and Tam for hosting these 3 fun events.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow a fireplace in the kitchen. That is really awesome.

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Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Christine, love that fireplace - it is so pretty. You have a wonderful candle collection, and I can't believe the brass candlesticks for $2! BTW, I love the grandson pics in the previous post - precious! Linda

Sue said...

I'm envious of the 3 fireplaces. We gave up having one when we bought this house...and I miss it so much! I love the little house sweet.

Sue said...

Hi! I used kite string and a safety pin for the whiskers. It also had a button nose, but I didn't have small enough buttons. Here is the pattern I used:

Life Laugh Latte said...

I'm a bit of a pyro. Every meal gets candles. Even in CA we light the fireplaces often (we have 2). Always candles in every bathroom and the kitchen. Fire just makes me happy. Holly

Debbiedoos said...

Gorgeous! How nice it is to have a FP in the kitchen, looks so warm and inviting in there!

Regina said...

Beautiful and classic home!
Love all your candle holders.

Have a nice day.

Kathleen said...

That is a magnifcent fireplace. I love the chest for the silverware and wire, LOL
Now what do you watch during dinner? We watch Jeopardy!..:)

Glo said...

How wonderful to have a fireplace in your kitchen! It gorgeous! I like your little chicken sitting near the orange flowers to the left of your fireplace.

Diann said...

Hi Christine!

I love this fireplace and dining area! It is so comfy looking and so welcoming. It makes me feel like I could come over and sit down with a cuppa and enjoy a chat with you!

Everything is so pretty! I really love the fact that you have those wonderful bargain brass candlesticks! i know we both LOVE our silver, but, it's wonderful to enjoy all the other metals as well. Brass can give such a lovely warmness to the room! I think I will use some of my bargain brass candlesticks on my tablescape this week! See, you just inspired me!

Hows the new grandbaby and your daughter doing?

thanks for the lovely visit to your home!

Diann :)

LV said...

I have one fireplace ans dearly love it. It is nowhere as nice and beautiful as your. If I had five, I would think and I had died and gone to heaven. You have a lovely blog.

LV said...

Forgive my other comment. I got so excited you had more than one fireplace and one in the kitchen, I indicated 5 instead of 3. Sorry, but I do have my senior moments.

Becky K. said...

Very beautiful.

I can just imagine how warm and lovely it is with all of your candles lit.

Becky K.

Kammy said...

Although I bet you love visiting the grandkids, I bet you will love being home again...I do wonder what your home looks like, LOL !
You do love your candles, I see !
My hubby would love a tv so close to the table - yours is so lucky !

Beth said...

Christine, Your kitchen is very pretty. You have a definite talent for decorating, and also for blogging! I love your blog, Christine. Enjoy your time with your grandsons and thanks for sharing photographs of them. They are truly precious.
Blessings - Beth

SmilingSally said...

Three fireplaces--how wonderful! Your place is amazing. Even though your visit with your grandsons has been great, I'll bet you're looking forward to being home.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Hi Christine, wow, three fireplaces. Your home is so warm and cozy and the fireplaces just add to that feeling. I love your displays.

Ann said...

You definately have a flare for decorating. Three fireplaces, now thats way on top of my wishlist. Great blues.

Mary Bergfeld said...

You have made such a beautiful home for your family. The pictures in the previous post are wonderful. You have a very handsome family. Blessings...Mary

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Christine, Your fireplace is wonderful...and your dining table really made me is gorgeous!
♥, Susan

ThriftyAnnabella said...

Very nice - thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday!

♥ Kathy said...

I just love candles :) Happy Blue Monday!

Liz said...

You have a beautiful home. I love the fireplace! Happy Blue Monday.

Mine is here.

Lindy said...

You have a lovely home. Thank you for sharing these photos with us. =)

Unknown said...

I love that flatware cabinet -- I didn't even know there was such a thing but it sure would come in handy in my house and matches my red and yellow d'core very well too. Thanks for sharing, you do have a lovely blog :-)

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

You have a beautiful home !Wonderful fireplace & wonderful Blues!

Kimberly said...

That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

I am your newest follower. Stop on bye for a cup of tea at my place.

Anonymous said...

Hi Christine,
Happy Blue Monday!!!
Oh your fireplaces are sooo cozy and really sound good right now!
Love the warmth in your beautiful home...thanks so much for sharing!

Take care and stay warm,

annies home said...

wow all looks beautiful

Dolores said...

Hi Christine,
The fireplace in your kitchen is awesome, and all your lovely decorations.

Just finished looking and the grandson pictures. They are so precious and very handsome!

Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog...

Barb said...

Just love it, Christine! Your blog is so cozy and welcoming....just lovely!!!

Hope your week is blessed.

Barb ♥

Michelle said...

Gorgeous fireplace!! Happy Blue Monday!!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Christine, you do have such a lovely home and a third fireplace is wonderful. I love all of your candles, they look so warm and inviting. Beautiful accessories. You always do the best vignettes. Thanks for joining the party. Enjoy your new grandson. Hugs, Marty

Unknown said...

Christine your home is so pretty and you have so many pretty pieces! I love to see what you do with them! :)

Anonymous said...

Christine! A fireplace in your breakfast room!! Oh, I love this! Your home is just amazing!! I love it and you've certainly decorated it loverly!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Christine. The fireplace looks so warm and cozy up against the brick. All the candles make it look so comfortable and warm. Everything is so beautiful. What a relaxing atmosphere to eat dinner in. But I only counted 8 candles. lol. Guess I'm blind.

Erica (Irene) said...

Wow a fireplace in the have a gorgeous home. thanks for sharing.


Low Tide High Style said...

What a lovely fireplace and what beautiful accessories and candles you have! I love the tiles from Portugal, so pretty!

Kat :)

Cindy said...

Wow-wow-WOW, I would love to have such a beautiful fireplace in my kitchen. Talk about cozy!

Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

There are so many treasures to see, I'm glad you pointed them out. You certainly are lucky in winning those silent auctions. I like the little ceramic houses.

xinex said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marice said...

your place really looks inviting and so cozy! thanks for sharing this to us!

u may view mine here

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Christine ...sweetie..your home is just much to much to admire. What a wonderful home you make for your family!

bj said...

O, Wow...what a lovely home you have, dear one. This is just beautiful..thanks so much for showing it to us.
xo bj

Carrie said...

How fabulous to have a fireplace in the kitchen....and you have accessorized it with personal charm!

Sonny G said...

Christine, wow what a lovely home you have. Love your fireplace and display..looks like such a calm and welcoming area.

Brenda Pruitt said...

What a pretty and inviting dining room here! I'd love to have those fireplaces.

Wanda Lee said...

Hello there dear lady!.., I always so enjoy visiting your lovely blog!..,What a wonderful post this week1

I want to personally, most warmly invite you to partake and enjoy some cyber "afternoon tea" for my 20th,Tuesday Tea For Two, blog tea party @ The Plumed Pen!..,

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ The Plumed Pen

Miss. Clippy said...

You've got an amazing sense of style! Your fireplace looks amazing, and I love the candles :) Happy Blue Monday (kinda late, though!)

Americana Lady said...

Christine I always look forward to your posts. I have the same polish pottery birdhouse but in the dark blue. I too love candles and the ambiance they give to a room and moment. Joan

Tara said...

Candlelight is just so magical and you can't beat a really good smelling candle either. One that fills the air with it's scent. I hope all is well with you and your family and the new baby is growing by leaps and bounds!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Christine....

Everything is sooo pretty. I love the candles....yep, I think ten is quite a great contribution...

Warm blessings,

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

What an absolutely beautiful fireplace Christine. You are so talented with your decorating. Your grandson's are just adorable too! Hugs, Cindy

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Christine, your fireplace looks so pretty, and how flattered I am to see you using the little bird I gave you. What a wonderful flatware storage box. You have such great accessories. laurie

Anonymous said...

First, I would like to say that your Home looking very beautiful and well managed of all portion. chandeliers looks very beautiful.
electric fireplaces

Unknown said...

I love to see such adorable house. I have never seen this types of fireplace before. Nice to share such innovative house which You have decorated with happiness.
electric fireplace

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