Sunday, December 13, 2009

Deck the Halls or Rather, The Peacock Room

It's the second week of Susan's Deck the Halls party at . Mary is also hosting Mosaic Monday at Lets have fun, get some decorating ideas, and visit them both and all their participants!
I am taking you today to our dining room. We have a bold wallpaper there with birds. I call them birds of paradise but some say they are peacocks. Anyway, it started my peacock obsession since I did not really want to take the time to peel off the wallpaper and replace it. Here's a smaller green tree with green lights.
I adorned it with a few peacock ornaments.
and inserted peacock feathers in it

You probably have seen my snowman ice cream shop keeper on Pink Saturday. I kept it on the dining room buffet with a bigger snowman. Doesn't he look like he is the supervisor with a whip? LOL! That little snowman better do his job right!
Thank you Mary and Susan, for hosting these 2 great parties!
Thank you all for visiting. Please forgive me if I do not respond to comments right away. I am sailing on the Caribbean sea aboard the biggest ship in the world, the new Oasis of the Seas enjoying its maiden voyage! Check out the ship at, it's huge! If placed vertically, it is higher than the Empire State building; it is larger than Queen Mary 2, it has a
Central Park place, a boardwalk complete with a carousel, 2 rock climbing, zip line, water skiing, 25 shops, etc.
I am posting this in advance. See you soon!


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

What a pretty tree, Christine! I love your collection of peacock ornaments! And your little snowmen are so cute! Have a wonderful week!...hugs...Debbie

Sue said...

Wow, that tree glows! I may have to try one with colored lights again. I've used white for so long that I've forgotten how pretty it can be to add color. I hope you are having the best time ever!!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful, the colors are wonderful. Love the snowmen.
Merry Christmas.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

How gorgeous...everything!!!

Kat said...

Your tree is beautiful Christine! You know how much I love your dining room from RMS and Micasa days. Your snowman collection is adorable. Have fun on your cruise and can't wait to see pictures. It sounds like an amazing ship! Kathy

Irene said...

Beautiful Christmas ornaments!

storyteller said...

Wonderfully festive photos and mosaics ... so beautiful! Thanks for sharing ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
My Mosaic Monday

Anonymous said...

What beautifulness, Christine! The tree is so lovely and it's gorgeous against your beautiful wallpaper.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

PAT said...

It's a beautiful tree, Christine!!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Christine,
I just love that glorious green tree, filled with peacocks! How clever are you, it's just gorgeous! Come by and see my post when you can, I think you will like it! Hugs, Cindy

Kammy said...

Hi Christine !
I love your bright and lively tree ! A peacocks colors are just wonderful ! I agree with you on that "Snow-Master", LOL - He looks a little gruff :o)
Your cruise sounds wonderful - I can hardly wait to see pictures !

Anonymous said...

Isn't Pat just the best. I love the peacock tree. You have done a wonderful job with it. Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment. Please come back again.


❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Very beautiful tree!I love the snowman ice cream parlour !
Merry christmas !

Foley said...

Beautiful Christmas tree..I have a friend who raised peacocks for awhile and always marveled at their feathers and beautiful colors!

susan said...

I love your "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" attitude! The peacock feathers are beautiful in the tree and perfect for the room! Thanks for "playing"!

Jeanne said...

Beautiful decorations!
Click here to see my post.

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

I love your peacock tree! The colors are just beautiful! Boy, you travel all the time! Can't wait to see your pics! Hope you have a safe and wonderful trip! God Bless! Lauralu :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Look how lovely this all is, Christine! I loved seeing every picture. The peacocks are wonderful, and your snowmen look like they're having a blast! Hope your vacation


Sheila :-)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hope your vacation was fun! I accidentally posted before I finished. LOL!

Unknown said...

Hi Christine! I'm finally back from my travels and am staying home till after the holidaze! Your green tree is incredible! It's a WOW tree! And I love the "Peacock room" Its fabulous! great photos and mosaics!
Come by and visit my Part 2 of 12 about my stay at the Hotel Del Coronado if you get a chance!
I can't wait to see more of your decor!

Merry Merry!
~Really Rainey~

Tara said...

Welcome home from your cruise!
Your little tree looks beautiful. The colors are so exquisite together. I don't think I would want to take the wallpaper down either, LOL! It makes a great backdrop for your tree though.
The flamingos in your previous post are gorgeous! What stunning creatures they are, I bet they're ornery little birds somehow. Maybe I'm wrong!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Welcome home, Christine! Ohh my goodness, and did I read your note correctly? You are heading to CA this weekend? Girl, I don't know how you keep up! Hehe! Sounds like great fun though!!! Can't wait to hear about that fabulous cruise! OMG...that cruise ship is fabulous!!! I've never seen anything like it! I wouldn't have wanted to leave either!

Well my friend, you know that I just love your peacock room! Hehe! How befitting that you should do a peacock Christmas's beautiful!!! Ohhh...and I love that darling little ice cream snowman...too cute! I love snowmen! Hehe!

Well my friend, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful dining room with's absolutely gorgeous!!!

Love ya,
PS...thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my Woodlands Christmas...sure enjoyed your sweet note!!!

eileeninmd said...

I love yoru peacocks ornaments. Your tree is beautiful. The snowman are cool too. Great mosaic and photos.

Lori said...

I LOVE your tree--it absolutely GLOWS! And your peacock collection is striking. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home and tree with us.

The Fajdich Times said...

Love your peacock tree. Very pretty:)

Sue said...

Seems you and I have a penchant for peacock feathers and birds! My dining room tree is decorated with these. Yours is lovely- and I am one of those odd souls who likes wallpaper! Your mosaics are so nice, too. Love the green lights, Christine. Do you ever stay home? LOL
Merry, Merry! Sue

Sarah said...

Christine, your peacock tree is lovely. I have a freind who did a peacock tree one year. Very creative and so beautiful. The little snowmen are darling! Thanks for sharing! ~ Sarah

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