Friday, March 25, 2011

Pilgrimage Tour: Banker's House

My granddaughter, AJ is back in Florida but we had a great time together while her stay here for her spring break lasted. It just so happen that it is Spring Pilgrimage season here so I was able to take her to tour some antebellum houses. It is one of my favorite things to do here. I have not seen all the antebellum houses that are open for touring yet, but I would eventually like to see them all.

I am linking with Beverly's Pink Saturday at

and Laurie for A Few of My Favorite Things at

We went to the Visitor Center to pick which tour we wanted to take.
and we picked the pink tour, the Banker's House and the house on Ellicott Hill.

For today's Sightseeing Saturday, I am showing you the Banker's House.
The reason they call it the Banker's House is because in the olden days. the banker had to live next to the bank. Do you see the white building attached to the house? That used to be the bank but now, it is a church. It used to have a direct access from the house but that has been sealed now. The first picture of the mosaic is the left side of the house and the bottom picture is the right side. One thing nice about touring the houses during pilgrimage season is that the tour guides are wearing Southern belle gowns. This was who greeted us at the door. I was glad to have AJ see

the Southern belles.

When I saw this book cabinet which was the first furniture that we saw, I fell instantly in love with the house.

The fireplace is right across from it in the same room. I am not sure but this might have been the gentlemen's parlor.

Right next to it is the dining room.

Across the hallway from the dining room must have been a music room cause it has this neat piano.

I took a close up of the wooden casket for Vanna.

Next to this room, which is across the hallway from the library or gentlemen's parlor is another parlor, I assume, was the ladies'.

I love all the furniture below.

After seeing the 4 rooms downstairs, we went upstairs.

I like this room. It looks very comfy with the sofa covered in red toile.

And this belle was waiting to show us the adjoining bedroom.

Isn't this a gorgeous bedroom? I love that half tester bed.

My young guest was paying attention to the tour guides.

Next to the red room is another bedroom.

I love this fainting sofa at the foot of the bed.

Adjoining the bedroom with Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls is another bedroom. The armoire is gorgeous and huge. All the rooms have a fireplace.

View from the top of the stairs.

And that was the end of the tour. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for coming along and thanks to our hostesses. I hope you get to visit them and their other participants also.


lvroftiques said...

Oh my I'm overwhelmed! That banker did live extremely well didn't he! That bookcase is TDF Christine! Hmmm do you think we could lift if up together? *winks* It's huge!
Thank you for taking the picture of the casket for me! It's lovely! And the table beneath it too! There's just so much that makes me go AHHHHHHH OOOHHHHHH YUMMMMMM! Vanna

Jacqueline said...

Christine, how fun. Oh, what fun hostesses you had. I love it when they dress up like that and I bet AJ did too, just gorgeous. What a beautiful home and so well furnished. You are too much fun.

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

Wow! Great tour. I love all the antiques. Sure would like to have one of those gorgeous chandys! Happy PS!

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

What a fabulous place!

~ Gabriela ~

Lottie said...

What a beautiful tour! Thank you for posting these pictures! Happy Pink Saturday!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a beautiful home!! That tablescape is gorgeous and so is the bedroom!
The ladies look lovely in their outfits!!Thanks so much for sharing it with us! I love to see historic homes!!


Salmagundi said...

Thanks for taking us on the tour. We, of course, have nothing like that in Colorado - just miner's cabins!! The furniture in the house was unbelievable. Sally

Debbiedoos said...

Well the banker lived the good life for sure. What a great looking day Christine.

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

What a marvelous olde home! I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful tour you took us on!
Bankers still live the good life today, too! That is for sure!
Your granddaughter is very pretty and you can tell how she was enjoying it all!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Richard Cottrell said...

Ms. Christine, I am so jealous that you get to go on the tours in Natchez as they are right in your back door. I have been several times and that is what inspired me to want to buy and old house like that, fix it up and have tours. My nieces dress like the girls in your photo's for my tours. I bet it really is pretty there now, we had snow again last night and suspose to again tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing with me and every one else. You are so lucky to be there to do this. Please drop by anytime. Richard

Susan said...

OMG I would so love to tour that beautiful home!! said...

Beautiful. A.J. does look like she enjoyed it.The furniture is just beautiful, but most of it is too big for modern homes.

Unknown said...

How wonderful that places like this have been saved for folks like us to visit and blog about!
Thanks for sharing!

Dolores said...

Thanks for this great tour.... wow.... ! So beautiful.....
You and your granddaughter are exceptionally beautiful!!!

Diann said...

Thank you Christine for taking us along with you on the tour! that was so beautiful. I love to tour old homes like this. So many pretty things.

Holly said...

Such a beautiful time - how wonderful that you can share that time with your family. We used to live in the South and I loved visiting those old homes.
Happy Pink Saturday!

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

I so enjoyed the tour, thanks!

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Looks like you had a lovely time! Our house was built for a banker also but his bank was a verrry small one LOL.
happy pink Saturday!

Cindy said...

What a beautiful old house! I love the outside as much as the inside. Thank you for a chance to see it, I really love historical homes.
Hugs, Cindy

Kim, USA said...

Those southern belles are gorgeous!! And the furniture as well as the dishes are awesome. Thanks for sharing I feel like I am there too. ^_^ Happy weekend!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Thanks for the tour. I love seeing the beautiful old homes.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Sue said...

Christine, It must have been quite the experience to have seen that lovely home! WOW
Mr. Banker sure led quite the high life. I would have been content as the Mrs. with that lifestyle! LOL Glad you and AJ had such a wonderful time visiting here. :-)

Char said...

Oh what fun you had together, enjoying such a lovely home. It's so fun to see how we lived so many years ago and all the beautiful dresses.
Happy Pink Saturday Christine, Char

Annesphamily said...

HPS and thanks for the grand tour! I love the rooms in this magnificent house. Thank you for sharing. Anne

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Aw! The week went by so fast for AJ's spring break! What a beautiful home you shared with us on your of our dear friends and in our couple's bible study, grew up there and actually, at bible study, she was telling us about dressing up in her antebellum gown (that her mother wore and her grandmother and great grandmother wore!) that she would dress up in during Spring Pilgrimage season! And here you are talking about that too :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
And thank you so much my friend for your sweet comment about our son's music.

Marlis said...

Christine, your granddaughter is very beautiful! So charming too. I'm so thankful that you let us share this experience with you. It was lovely to see the inside of this antebellum home. Happy Sunday!

Blondie's Journal said...

Thanks for taking us on the tour with you. I love the dresses on the belles. Each room is so pretty. I had no idea the banker had to live next to the bank...amazing! It looks like AJ enjoyed herself.

So you are having warm weather? I wish I was there to take a dip in the pool!


Regina said...

Beautiful southern belle's dresses and mansion! Love the airmore too and also the beds and the console table.Remind me of the furnitures of some old tradional homes here.
Thank you for the educational tour Christine. Nice to know that era of American history.

And AJ is truly lovely and she is getting taller.
Happy spring and have a great new week.
" Regina "

Vittle me this... said...

Wow! What a beautiful tour! I love the southern belles and the window treatments.

Deanna said...

Hi Christine,
You are 1 of 2 winners in our Jelly Bean Count Contest!! Congratulations dear!! I've sent you an email confirming this and remember to send us your mailing address so that we may send your 4 gifts in time for Easter!!

Thank you so much for playing our game ♥

Deanna :D

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a fun tour Christine. The furnishings are gorgeous! That bookcase is soooo beautiful, and I love the wonderful fireplaces. Of course, I love that room with the red toile sofa and valances, and I was drooling over that gorgeous armoire. AJ is so pretty. Thanks so much for linking to Favorite Things. laurie

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said...

Very informative! And wow, the place looks so pretty :) Thanks for sharing.


YES! Christine, she's exactly like you! I love the picture you took of them inside your pretty gazebo and beautiful garden! The trip looks like it was really great and fun... beautiful furnitings, I love them all! Your little one has a lot of resemblance to you, too...well, my friend, you got a lot of beauty to pass around!
Thank you for the lovely comments and coming from a lady with great taste, grand!

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