Here's my pink contribution. I bought it at the antique shop in Woodville to sell in the store. Actually, John spotted it. I bought other things too which I will show at the bottom of this post.
And for my favorites are these 2 small busts that I bought from the other vendor at the store. I think I am becoming the #1 buyer, instead of the seller in our store, lol.
But aren't these busts so cute? They are small, maybe about 6 inches tall but I love the details. I was thinking of putting them inside a cloche one of these days. Right now, one of them is on my dresser in a tray holding my pink pearls (another pink contribution) and the other is on the bottom level of the pie table in front of our bed in the master bedroom. I moved this table from the living room after I bought the claw footed mahogany table that replaced it.
Now, on to our Woodville tour.
This town is located in between us and Baton Rouge.
As you can see, it's an old town with lots of antique shops and general stores.
Even the oak tree is ancient. The bench underneath was a perfect place for my mom to sit because it was shady so we just left her there while John and I roamed around.
There were lots of crafts. Neither John nor I is a hunter (lots of people here in town are though, even females) but I enjoyed this Deer and Wildlife Festival.
They had a wildlife cook off and we purchased 10 tickets for $5. It was a good deal because among us three (John, me and my mom), we did not even use up all the tickets and we were pretty stuffed.
I should have gone inside this museum but I was more busy eating and browsing through the shops and booths.
Lots of food to try especially if you are brave enough to try venison, wild boar meat, duck, etc. I ate a lot of catfish casserole. and the last pic shows me handing a bowl to my mom. She liked it too.

I cringe whenever I see this photo below now. This is exactly the same place where my mom fell from the truck the following week. This is where we went to pick up the tables.
Here is the dining table that we bought. The store owner said it came from an antebellum house, probably old but not an antique. I just want to use it at the store so I can do tablescapes there. The size is perfect, not too big so I can put it in the middle of my shop and the rollers will be convenient for me to move it around. I also bought an end table which I failed to take a picture of.
Here are more items that we bought. I already sold the blue urn on the left and the green lamp at the store.